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Chaos Deathmatch v1.1 Manual - Client Installation Guide

Ok, here's a step-by-step guide for all who still have problems with installation! 

Installing the main file:

Before we start, just a little hint form me to all who already have an older version of Chaos installed on their systems:
Remember that Chaos1.1 is NOT an upgrade, so please delete your old Chaos directory (in case you still have Chaos0.3) before installing Chaos11.exe to avoid file conflicts. 

Now start the Chaos11.exe from the directory to which you downloaded it! 

A WinRAR pop-up window should appear which asks you for a destination folder to extract the files into. Hit the "Browse" button and point it to your Quake2 directory! Be sure that you DON'T point to Quake2/Chaos...otherwise you'll start to wonder why nothing is working :) 

When the right path is displayed in the window, hit the "Extract" button.

Afterwards look in your Quake2 directory to verify that the newly unzipped Chaos folder is really there in the same folder as BaseQ2 (parallel to it!)

The directory structure should now look like this:


(e.g. ...Games/Quake2/Chaos )

Next step:  use the Explorer to go into your Quake2 directory...find the QUAKE2.EXE and drag it, with the right mouse button, to a free place on your desktop to make a link (a context menu should open after dropping, where you can choose "Create Shortcut(s) Here") ...Next, right click on the newly created shortcut and chose 'Properties'.   In the new popped up window go to the 'Shortcut' tab and add this:

+set game chaos +set deathmatch 1 +set ctf  0

...into the target line!

Now you've made a shortcut to play Chaos Deathmatch in normal deathmatch mode... afterwards the whole thing should  look like this: (Sorry that it's German, but in English it looks quite the same! :)

install1.gif (6866 Byte)

( If you want to start a ctf-game by default, use this instead:

+set game chaos +set deathmatch 1 +set ctf 1)

Starting a basic game:

In the Main Menu choose Multiplayer to start a deathmatch game or just press the "~" button to go into the console and directly type in the name of the map you want to play (e.g. "map chaosdm1") to immediately launch a deathmatch server.

(By the way: Sorry, but due to the fact that Chaos is based on the CTF-Code (where the whole monster coding is cleaned up for a better game performance and stability), there's no more Single-Player-Mode available!!
Please guess why we called our mod "Chaos DEATHMATCH"!  :)

I hope you have fun with it nevertheless! (Maybe you should try to play against our Havoc-Bots instead.... ;)

If you want to know more about starting a bot-match jump to the Havoc Bot v0.8 Beta page !


Copyright © 1998 by Chaotic Dreams